Last semester, I did some PR volunteer work for a local non-profit in Chattanooga, Partnership for Families, Children and Adults, which focuses on empowering various communities. I wrote them a press release, designed an infographic and a media kit, and wrote a speech based off their website information among other things.
My speech script is focused on inviting Chattanooga to take part in April Awareness Month events. It’s designed for Partnership’s directors to read during a conference or luncheon when promoting the campaign. The speech is meant to be compelling, persuasive and call the audience to action. (Length: 5-6 minutes).
The media kit design is meant to be simple, sleek, and easily edited. Right now, under the press tab on Partnership's website, there's just various links to several different press releases. This new media kit consolidates their information, is on brand, and clearly relays their message and their services.
I aimed to create a cleaner, visually stronger version of the previous "Start by Believing" ad. Instead of cramming tons of copy into this one, I'm just directing viewers to Partnership's website for more info. Although it’s less wordy, it keeps the message strong. Meant to be printed in university publications and local magazines like City Scope.